Only .PDF files will be accepted. Max file size is 15 MB.
You can create your .PDF file starting from the software you prefer (Word, Powerpoint, Indesign etc...).
Your e-poster should consist of a single page document.
Your document should measure at least 21cm / 10in in width (a .PDF file printed from word or powerpoint is usually in the correct size) in a good resolution. Don’t worry about the document’s height, you’ll be able to scroll it up/down.
Please, choose a vertical view: monitors at the event are going to be arranged vertically (for example, 9:16 is preferable instead of 16:9).
You can use any colour you wish for the background, images and text.
Please choose only one colour for the background (avoid shades and background images).
Make sure the final product is easy to read.
Please avoid the use of small fonts/typefaces. If your poster is easily readable from your computer screen and you don’t need to zoom in, then it's ok!
Images should be in a good resolution and should not be blurry or stretched.
You can also include a video (without audio) in your e-poster.
The video needs to be uploaded on a streaming service such as Youtube or Vimeo. All you need to do is to send us the video url and to indicate in your document where you wish the video to be placed.
If you need help with the uploading platform, please send an email at and describe your issue. We’ll be happy to assist you.